Portland’s Success in Special Olympics Basketball!

Special Olympics Basketball Teams

On Sunday February 12th several Portland learners, citizens, ex learners and young people who access our community activity programme descended on the ‘Wildcats’ arena in Nottingham for a Special Olympics Basketball competition.

We were able to have a team playing in the A division and also a team in the B division. The A team included current learners, citizen, an ex learner and a current volunteer, had a great day and managed to win 2 out of their 3 games and were coached by LSA Ben Greatbatch.

In the B team current learners were joined by several of our community activity athletes, and managed to win 3 out of 4 games with both PJ and Matt scoring baskets!

The fun didn’t end after the competition, once the teams had stopped playing, they were followed on court by the Nottingham Hoods senior men’s team who held a meet and greet with all our players and were on hand to sign autographs! The best part of the day came at half time in the Hood’s game when all supporters and Special Olympic athletes were invited onto the court for a half time shoot out. Several of our athletes took part, with Portland learner Oliver taking top honours and winning himself a signed basketball! He managed to shoot 3 out of 3 baskets, the only person in the arena to do so! A brilliant end to a great day!

Nottingham Special Olympics Chairman, Dave Winter said; “This was an absolute fantastic day for all involved, to see the range of learners all participating together was amazing and many of them had a day that they will never forget! Big thank you to Jo Salmon for organising the day, to Morrisons for feeding everyone and to all the players, coaches and volunteers for helping to make such a special day.”

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