Portland Helps Businesses to Employ Disabled People

2 learners on a green slide background with event title Unlocking the Hidden Labour Force

We were proud to host our employability conference: Unlocking the Hidden Labour Force, How to Employ Disabled People, on 4 November in our Newstart Theatre.

With more job vacancies than unemployed people in the UK for the first time on record, staff recruitment is a real challenge for many businesses. The aim of this high-profile conference was to encourage and empower employers to recruit more disabled people.

The event welcomed HR Directors, CEOs and colleagues from local and national businesses. Employers gained valuable insight into Government policy, practical tools and strategies to overcome their own recruitment challenges as well as information on support available to help them become more accessible workplaces.

We are thankful to our wonderful panel of guest speakers which included Ben Horner (HR Director for Boots), Lucy Robinson (Resources Director for East Midlands Chamber) and Martin Rigley (CEO of Lindhurst Engineering) among others, who all shared inspirational and thought-provoking accounts of how employing people with disabilities can really help businesses and colleagues thrive.

Learners and citizens did a great job of showcasing their skills to employers in a range of supporting roles at the event, including in the coffee shop, meeting and greeting, car parking and delivering a virtual BMX health and well-being break.

Following this fantastic event, we are hoping to work with even more businesses to support our learner’s employability outcomes.

Watch the full conference video.

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