Nottinghamshire Special Olympics Basketball Competition

A group of basketball players in red uniforms holding up certificates

On Sunday 15th May several Portland College learners and citizens took part in the Nottinghamshire Special Olympics Networks’ first competition since the network was reformed which is based at Portland.

The event was supported by both Morrisons and NottsTV and was sanctioned by the Special Olympics Great Britain. Teams from Manchester, Derbyshire and Leicester took part alongside the Nottinghamshire team.

It was a fiercely competitive event that ended with the team from Leicester beating Manchester in the final. Nottinghamshire finished third which is a terrific effort considering how long our club and network has been formed.

Several learners, citizens and ex-learners took part including FE Learner and Independent Living citizen Jason Clark who was tremendous on the day scoring over 30 points and displaying excellent sportsmanship. Jason was named one of three ‘Most Valuable Players’ of the competition, which is a quite brilliant achievement. Other learners and citizens that took part were Tommy McAndrew, Ryley Briston, Amelia Barlow, Leah Chapman, Emily Neal and Chris Smith. Ex learner and Portland volunteer Christian Winterbottom also took part.

a group of male and female basketball players holding certificates

Highlights and coverage of the event was featured on Notts TV earlier this week!

Dave Winter said: “I must also say a big thank you to Morrisons for their incredible support, donating catering for over 150 people. Thankyou to Chris Wynne and his Trade group who made sustainable trophies and also the coach of the Nottinghamshire team, our very own learning support assistant Ben Greatbatch, who unfortunately due to his knee injury is unable to represent Great Britain at the Special Olympics in Berlin. However, he will be there as a coach, which again is a brilliant achievement. 

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