First Employer Forum

Four people sat around a table watching two more people standing and delivering a presentation.

Last week, we hosted our first Employer Forum at College. The Forum is designed to give our Employer partners a chance to network, discuss what is going well with their placements. The group also discussed the progress that is being made in terms of supporting young people with disabilities in the work place, whether this be through work experience, Supported Internships or paid employment.

As part of the Forum this time, our Behaviour Support Team delivered training on Autism, giving underpinning knowledge and looking specifically at how to support young people in the work place. Employers who attended thought this was really useful and many would like to roll it out to their wider staff team.

We are due to hold another Forum soon where the training will be delivered by a group of learners talking about how Autism affects them and how Employers can support an individual.

If this is something you would like your own business to get involved in please contact Deana on 01623 499111 ext 370.

Massive thank you to County Battery Services Ltd, Mantic Games Lindhurst Engineering and Chatsworth House for attending.

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