Author Archives: Amy Fox

Portland Helps Businesses to Employ Disabled People

Portland hosted a regional Employability Conference to support employers to become more accessible workplaces.

Portland Print to Become Brand New Adult Learning Centre

Portland Charity has operated a small print shop, Portland Print, on campus for many years,...

New Portland Coffee Shop Awarded 5 Stars in Environmental Health Inspection

Portland College’s brand-new Coffee Shop received a glowing report and 5-star Food Hygiene rating following...

Trade Learners Volunteer at Church

A group of learners on the Trade programme have been working with Volunteer It Yourself...

Portland College expands into the City

We’re excited to announce that we’re expanding into Nottingham this September. Portland College is offering...

Portland Pathways Receives National Recognition

Pathways were excited to attend the British Chambers of Commerce Awards as national finalists.

Portland Principal wins Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr Mark Dale wins the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Chad Business Excellence Awards 2021

Pathways wins East Midlands Equality Trailblazer Award

Pathways wins the British Chamber of Commerce Equality Trailblazer Diversity and Inclusion Awards

Pathways secures another Award

We’re proud to announce that Portland Pathways were crowned winners of the East Midlands Chamber...

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